Well i am like getting too addicted to garlic. So i thought i'll make some pickle out of it.So here it is.This recipe was provided by my cousin Roopa.Thanks to her :).It is pretty easy to make.And its tasty too :)
Ingredients :
Ingredients :
Garlic - 150 grms(coarsely gring some pods and the other pods,slit by using the fork or knife)
Red Chilli Powder - 3 Tbs
Mustard seed powder - 3 Tbs
Mustard seed powder - 3 Tbs
Fenugreek Powder (Dry Roast and powder) - 1 Tbs
Lemon/Lime - 1 juiced
Salt -2-3 Tbs or to taste
Sesame Oil - 6-7tbs (until the garlic soaks)
Here's how to do it :
Here's how to do it :
1. Add Red chili powder ,Mustard seed powder , Menthi/ Fenugreek Powder, salt, lime/ lemon juice mix well and the add the garlic pods.
2. Add sesame oil until the garlic soaks.
P.S Donot use a steel container to store it.