Well i am like getting too addicted to garlic. So i thought i'll make some pickle out of it.So here it is.This recipe was provided by my cousin Roopa.Thanks to her :).It is pretty easy to make.And its tasty too :)
Ingredients :
Ingredients :
Garlic - 150 grms(coarsely gring some pods and the other pods,slit by using the fork or knife)
Red Chilli Powder - 3 Tbs
Mustard seed powder - 3 Tbs
Mustard seed powder - 3 Tbs
Fenugreek Powder (Dry Roast and powder) - 1 Tbs
Lemon/Lime - 1 juiced
Salt -2-3 Tbs or to taste
Sesame Oil - 6-7tbs (until the garlic soaks)
Here's how to do it :
Here's how to do it :
1. Add Red chili powder ,Mustard seed powder , Menthi/ Fenugreek Powder, salt, lime/ lemon juice mix well and the add the garlic pods.
2. Add sesame oil until the garlic soaks.
P.S Donot use a steel container to store it.
4 Cupcakes :):
I love garlic....and this looks so perfect for me...got to try it
even i love garlic.. made this yeesterday and can't wait to have it after 3 more days ;)
how long does this stay without getting bad? do you recommend keeping it in fridge?
how long does it stay without getting bad? Do you recommend keeping it in fridge or is it okay to keep in open like mango avakaya?
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